Do you offer international shipping for the artwork?.

Yes we ship internationally, We have printing partners all over the world which allows for quick delivery. 

How do i know what photos to supply?

No problem we will be there to help every step of the way.We will supply you with all the information and example photos showing exactly what we require.

I'm terrible at taking photos can you come and take them for me?

Absolutely, we offer a full bespoke option where we travel to you!. Just contact us here for more details.

Can old photos be used?

With the technology we have now it is possible to use almost all photos. We do require that you supply the best quality photos you can, professional photos would be great however phone photos should work fine too. If there is any issue with the quality we can work with you to address that at the time.

What is the typical turnaround time for the creation of a bespoke artwork?

We aim for a 6 week delivery time for your artwork. If you decide to purchase products with your artwork, this may be outwith the 6 weeks.

How many revisions are included in the artwork creation process?

We include a lot of time upfront to discuss and fine tune your artwork, however we also allow 2hrs of adjustments which would allow amendments to 1 or 2 items within the image. We are happy to quote for any additional work above and beyond this.

Do you offer any discounts for clients who place a second order?

Why yes we do!. If you place a 2nd order with us it shall include a 10% discount.

Can we actively contribute to the artwork's design?

Absolutely! This is very much a collaborative process. There will be an initial 1 hour scoping session to discuss how your artwork will be brought to life and if required a 2nd session is also included.

What sizes are available for the final artwork?

What sizes are available for the final artwork?

Can you put my artwork on other items such as clothing?.

Of course, we have a large range or products to choose from, clothing, mugs, caps, phone covers, the list goes on and on.

How long is my personalised store open for?.

Your personalised store will be open for 3 months however if you wish to order additional items, after this time, just drop us a message and we'll be happy to help out.

Can you work with the photos I already have?.

Yes, however we believe to create the most exciting and dynamic artwork then you may require to take additional photos. Don't worry though as we are here to help you every step of the way.

Why is my artwork watermarked?.

A water marked digital copy is sent to you for final approval. Once this is approved and final payment is made your artwork will be shipped.

Can I purchase the original digital image?.

Yes you can. You can purchase the copy write to the original image on the payment page for £200.

Additional Queries?

If you have any other questions just let us know